Hedge trimming offers instant gratification. Before your eyes, we’re able to completely transform your landscape or keep it looking brand new with precise maintenance.

Hedges and shrubs are great for providing year-round color, attracting birds, granting extra privacy, and more. In order to maintain the aesthetic and overall health of your shrubs and hedges, trimming is essential. Unlike trees, they require a bit more maintenance.

Transform your landscape by keeping your hedges and shrubs healthy. It can be more costly to replace your shrubbery, so why not work with a certified professional and give them the best chance of lasting for years to come! No matter the size or age of your plants, we can help!



In most landscapes hedges need to be trimmed more often than you would think. Here are a few good rules to remember for trimming:

  • Regular trimming can help prevent weeds and overgrowth. During warmer months with rainfall, non-flowering hedges should be trimmed every six to eight weeks. For blooming hedges, wait until after they have finished flowering and the blooms have turned brown.

  • Storm trimming encourages your plants to grow and thrive to their full potential after being damaged.

  • New hedges should be trimmed often to encourage robust growth.